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Celtic Knights expansion!

When myself and Mike Kennedy first created the Celtic Knights we knew that we wanted to bring back the all ages Silver and Golden age Superhero comic stories which we grew up with. We wanted any child from 10 to 100 and beyond to be able to pick up our stories and have a good read. From The Best of What's Left where the team comes together, to Junker and Rubenette's personal stories we try to create stand alone books to which the reader can jump in at any point and never be lost but always be entertained.

When it came to Junker: The Stinky Knight we decided to include a few short pieces that brought in new villains to the Celtic Knights Universe.

ImpBot which is a military robot which has a slight malfunction and thinks all humanity should be killed.

Gun Shy: A Female Mercenary who is a master of all weapons.

The Baron Immortal: an un-aging steampunk inventor who is trying to bring the World back to Victorian times under his own rule.

These shorts also used different artists and this is how we're going to expand the universe of the Knights. We would like new artists and writers to pick a hero, pick a villain, and allow us to show the world your talent.

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